Adding Block Type Select Items
In this example, we add an item to the Block Type Select, so that it works for a custom alert block we create.
Try it out: Select some text to open the Formatting Toolbar, and click "Alert" in the Block Type Select to change the selected block!
Relevant Docs:
import { defaultProps } from "@blocknote/core";
import { createReactBlockSpec } from "@blocknote/react";
import { Menu } from "@mantine/core";
import { MdCancel, MdCheckCircle, MdError, MdInfo } from "react-icons/md";
import "./styles.css";
// The types of alerts that users can choose from.
export const alertTypes = [
title: "Warning",
value: "warning",
icon: MdError,
color: "#e69819",
backgroundColor: {
light: "#fff6e6",
dark: "#805d20",
title: "Error",
value: "error",
icon: MdCancel,
color: "#d80d0d",
backgroundColor: {
light: "#ffe6e6",
dark: "#802020",
title: "Info",
value: "info",
icon: MdInfo,
color: "#507aff",
backgroundColor: {
light: "#e6ebff",
dark: "#203380",
title: "Success",
value: "success",
icon: MdCheckCircle,
color: "#0bc10b",
backgroundColor: {
light: "#e6ffe6",
dark: "#208020",
] as const;
// The Alert block.
export const Alert = createReactBlockSpec(
type: "alert",
propSchema: {
textAlignment: defaultProps.textAlignment,
textColor: defaultProps.textColor,
type: {
default: "warning",
values: ["warning", "error", "info", "success"],
content: "inline",
render: (props) => {
const alertType = alertTypes.find(
(a) => a.value === props.block.props.type
const Icon = alertType.icon;
return (
<div className={"alert"} data-alert-type={props.block.props.type}>
{/*Icon which opens a menu to choose the Alert type*/}
<Menu withinPortal={false} zIndex={200}>
<div className={"alert-icon-wrapper"} contentEditable={false}>
{/*Dropdown to change the Alert type*/}
<Menu.Label>Alert Type</Menu.Label>
<Menu.Divider />
{ => {
const ItemIcon = type.icon;
return (
onClick={() =>
props.editor.updateBlock(props.block, {
type: "alert",
props: { type: type.value },
{/*Rich text field for user to type in*/}
<div className={"inline-content"} ref={props.contentRef} />